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Oct 21, 2020 Open a shell window. Create a directory called unit-testing-using-mstest to hold the solution. Inside this new directory, run dotnet new sln to create a new solution file for the class library and the test project. Next, create a PrimeService directory. Jun 06, 2018 Developer Community for Visual Studio Product family. MS Test Project Test in Test Explorer displays blue exclaimation mark and warning message in Output window.

This tutorial takes you through an interactive experience building a sample solution step-by-step to learn unit testing concepts. If you prefer to follow the tutorial using a pre-built solution, view or download the sample code before you begin. For download instructions, see Samples and Tutorials.

This article is about testing a .NET Core project. If you're testing an ASP.NET Core project, see Integration tests in ASP.NET Core.

Create the source project

Open a shell window. Create a directory called unit-testing-using-mstest to hold the solution. Inside this new directory, run dotnet new sln to createa new solution file for the class library and the test project. Next, create a PrimeService directory. The following outline shows the directory and file structure thus far:

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Make PrimeService the current directory and run dotnet new classlib to create the source project. Rename Class1.cs to PrimeService.cs. You create a failing implementation of the PrimeService class:

Change the directory back to the unit-testing-using-mstest directory. Run dotnet sln add PrimeService/PrimeService.csproj to add the class library project to the solution.

Create the test project

Next, create the PrimeService.Tests directory. The following outline shows the directory structure:

Make the PrimeService.Tests directory the current directory and create a new project using dotnet new mstest. The dotnet new command creates a test project that uses MSTest as the test library. The generated template configures the test runner in the PrimeServiceTests.csproj file:

The test project requires other packages to create and run unit tests. dotnet new in the previous step added the MSTest SDK, the MSTest test framework, and the MSTest runner. Now, add the PrimeService class library as another dependency to the project. Use the dotnet add reference command:

You can see the entire file in the samples repository on GitHub.

The following outline shows the final solution layout:

Execute dotnet sln add .PrimeService.TestsPrimeService.Tests.csproj in the unit-testing-using-mstest directory.

Create the first test

You write one failing test, make it pass, then repeat the process. Remove UnitTest1.cs from the PrimeService.Tests directory and create a new C# file named PrimeService_IsPrimeShould.cs with the following content:

The TestClass attribute denotes a class that contains unit tests. The TestMethod attribute indicates a method is a test method.

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Save this file and execute dotnet test to build the tests and the class library and then run the tests. The MSTest test runner contains the program entry point to run your tests. dotnet test starts the test runner using the unit test project you've created.

Your test fails. You haven't created the implementation yet. Make this test pass by writing the simplest code in the PrimeService class that works:

In the unit-testing-using-mstest directory, run dotnet test again. The dotnet test command runs a build for the PrimeService project and then for the PrimeService.Tests project. After building both projects, it runs this single test. It passes.

Add more features

Now that you've made one test pass, it's time to write more. There are a few other simple cases for prime numbers: 0, -1. You could add new tests with the TestMethod attribute, but that quickly becomes tedious. There are other MSTest attributes that enable you to write a suite of similar tests. A DataTestMethod attribute represents a suite of tests that execute the same code but have different input arguments. You can use the DataRow attribute to specify values for those inputs.

Instead of creating new tests, apply these two attributes to create a single data driven test. The data driven test is a method that tests several values less than two, which is the lowest prime number:

Run dotnet test, and two of these tests fail. To make all of the tests pass, change the if clause at the beginning of the method:

Continue to iterate by adding more tests, more theories, and more code in the main library. You have the finished version of the tests and the complete implementation of the library.

You've built a small library and a set of unit tests for that library. You've structured the solution so that adding new packages and tests is part of the normal workflow. You've concentrated most of your time and effort on solving the goals of the application.

See also

MSTest is Microsoft’s tool used to run tests of .NET applications (in particular, it can be used for unit testing). In TestComplete, you can integrate your MSTest tests to your test projects and run them as part of your automated testing process.


In the MSTest editor, you configure the tests to be run.

  • To run MSTest unit tests, specify the full path to the MSTest executable (mstest.exe) in the Unit Testing Options dialog.

    To call this dialog directly from the editor, right-click somewhere in the editor and then click Options.

1. Prepare Your MSTest Tests
  • Copy your MSTest test files to your TestComplete computer.

2. Configure Your TestComplete Project
  • Open your TestComplete test project or create a new one.

  • Add a Selenium or Unit Testing collection to your test project. See Adding and Removing Project Items and Their Child Elements.

  • Add a MSTest item to the created collection.

3. Configure the MSTest Item to Run Needed Tests
  • In Assembly file name, specify the name (with the full path) of the assembly file (.exe or .dll) that contains MSTest tests to run. If the needed assembly is registered in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC), you can click Browse GAC and select the assembly from the Browse GAC dialog.

  • If needed, in Configuration file name, specify the fully-qualified name of the test run’s configuration file (typically, .rcg or .testrunconfig. The latter is used for tests created with Visual Studio 2005 or 2008). You can find information on how to manage test configurations and create a test run configuration file in the MSDN Library (the online version is available at

4. Run the MSTest Item

Run the MSTest item in TestComplete. For information on how to run unit test items, see Running Unit Tests.

After the test run is over, view the test results.

Alternatives to MSTest Unit Tests

Another way to test units of your .NET application in TestComplete is to create unit tests by using TestComplete or the NUnit framework and use TCUnitTest or NUnit test items to run the tests in TestComplete. See TestComplete Unit Tests - .NET Applications and Running NUnit Tests and Selenium Tests Created With NUnit.

See Also

Mstest Laptops & Desktops Driver Download For Windows 8.1

Integration With Unit Testing Frameworks
Running Unit Tests
TestComplete Unit Tests - .NET Applications
Unit Testing Options Dialog