Drivers Labjack

Multi-Platform Python wrapper that implements functions from the LabJack Windows UD Driver, and the LabJack Linux and Mac drivers. Author: LabJack Corporation. For use with drivers: Windows UD driver: 2.69 Linux driver: 1.1 Mac driver: 1.0 This python wrapper is intended to be used as an easy way to implement the Windows UD driver. The official LabJack Linux and Mac OS X USB driver macos linux data-acquisition libusb lab-automation labjack C 24 44 0 0 Updated Sep 2, 2020.


Labjack Drivers


In order to troubleshoot why LabJack drivers may not be working (FD4000 or FDLites), please try the possible solutions shown below.

Labjack Drivers Labview

Issue 1
LabJack Installation Failed
If the installation of LabJack fails it may prompt you to install the .net framework but then fail. If this happens you will need to manually enable the .net framework (3.5). To do this:
  • Right-click on the Start Menu and select Apps and Features.
  • In the Apps & Features window, scroll the right-hand list of apps to the bottom and click Programs and Features to show the old-style programs list, then
  • On the left side of that, click 'Turn Windows features on or off' and ensure that the .NET Framework 3.5 is enabled.
Issue 2
Check Activation Code
To check that your activation code enables the use of the correct type of force plate, do the following:
  • Open the ForceDecks app and click Options (top right)
  • Select Settings
  • Navigate to the Platform tab
  • Check that your type of force plate is shown under Supported Platform Types (e.g. if you have FD4000 plates, 'FD4000/FDLite' should appear and be ticked).
Issue 3
Check LabJack Control Panel for Problems

  • Navigate to C:Program Files(x86)LabJack (or where you installed LabJacks) in Windows Explorer
  • Open the LabJack Control Panel (LJControlPanel.exe) from inside the Applications folder.
  • Click Find Devices and a LabJack device should be listed under U6.
  • If this fails and says that it couldn't find 'LJUDDotNet Dll' (or something similar), check Windows Event Viewer to see if there are any related errors that may indicate a cause. To do this right-click the Start Menu and select Event Viewer, then click Windows Logs, then Applications on the left-hand side.
  • If this shows no message but simply fails to find any devices connect to an alternative USB socket on the computer try again (it may be worthwhile to reboot the computer at this point if is still fails to find the device).
  • If LJControlPanel still fails to see the device open the Windows Device Manager (right-click the Start Menu and select Device Manager). There should be a 'LabJack USB Devices' item at the top level in the list of devices with a sub-item 'LabJack U6':
    • if there are driver problems a warning exclamation mark will appear here (update/reinstall drivers recommended);
    • if there is no entry for the LabJack then it may appear elsewhere with a warning exclamation mark again indicating driver problems (update/reinstall drivers recommended);
    • if there is no sign of the device at all then there is likely a USB connection problem (problem with the cable or the USB socket on the computer or the for plates).
  • A good general test where connection problems can't be solved, particularly if the device does not appear in Windows Device Manager, is to connect the plates to an alternative computer and install the Labjack drivers. There is no need to install ForceDecks at this stage, LJControlPanel can be used to test that the plates are recognised.
Issue 4
Make Sure Windows Updates is up to Date
Check that all Windows Updates have been applied. To do this:
  • Open Windows Settings
  • Click Update & Security
  • Click Check for Updates
  • If any updates are installed, reboot your computer
Issue 5
Disable Antivirus Software

  • Check whether any Antivirus software is installed
  • If so, temporarily disable the Antivirus software
  • Now try Issue 3 again. If it still fails, try reinstalling the LabJack drivers while your Antivirus software is disabled
  • Be sure to turn your Antivirus back on afterwards
Issue 6
Hardware issues with Plates or Cables
If any of the following scenarios occur, the issue is most likely related to hardware:
  • ForceDecks lists FD4000/Lites in the settings page but can't find them when attempting to record.
  • The LabJack LJControlPanel app (see Issue 3) does not detect force plates but doesn't show any errors other than 'a later driver is available').
  • When plugging the plates into the PC there is no USB connection sound and no device entry appears in Windows Device Manager (this last one it the best indication - even if the drivers failed there should still be an entry for the hardware).